Youth are smart, valuable, and responsible.
Adolescent/unplanned pregnancy and STI transmission are preventable.
Pregnancies too early are a community issue that can be addressed with collaborative partnerships.
Parents, families, and schools are an integral part of communication and education for youth and young adults.
Adolescents and young adults should abstain from sexual activity until they know both the medical reason for abstinence as well as the most effective and safe methods of contraception.
Sexually active adolescents and young adults provided access to medical advice and care along with counseling, advice, and support to assist them in developing a safe and healthy lifestyle.
Tolerance and diversity reduce the rate of adolescent pregnancy and STIs in Pueblo County.
Learn more about our family planning clinic.
We work within Pueblo City Schools and School District 70 to implement comprehensive sexual health education into schools. We help train and support teachers to implement programs in their classrooms and provide lessons upon request. Current programs being implemented include Draw the Line, Respect the Line and Family Life and Sexual Health (FLASH).
A one to two-hour training to help parents and adults working with youth talk to them about sexual health, drugs, alcohol, and other hard life topics. Askable Adult/Parent Classes help adults learn what type of questions kids will ask, and how to answer them to the best of their ability. Classes are free to the community.
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